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How can I make a purchase on beCHARGE?

Please follow these steps in order to buy on our website:

1. Choose the desired amount
2. Insert your details to confirm the code by mail
3. Confirmation of your order
4. Choose the desired method of payment
5. Secured payment:
Internet payments have to be done by identification.This has to be done by card reader (available for free at your bank), by text message or by password.

After the payment:

  • Visualization of the code on your screen.
  • Reception of the code by mail it is possible that this mail arrive in your spambox the first time

To know how to use your code, check the question "How to use my code?"

Select the topic of your problem

What is the PWA? A Progressive Web App that is built like a website but acts like an application. Once installed, an icon with the beCHARGE logo will appear on your home screen. All you have to do is click and enjoy our many products.